Title Regbio trenerio taikomo grįžtamojo ryšio ir jo ugdytinių motyvacijos sportui sąsajos /
Translation of Title Correlations between feedback delivered by a rugby coach and motivation for sport of athletes trained by him.
Authors Kanopackis, Evaldas
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Pages 34
Keywords [eng] Young rugby players ; motivation ; feetback
Abstract [eng] Researchers have found that increasing athletes' motivation depends on the feedback given by a sports teacher. Feedback is one of the strongest factors affecting learning and achievement, but its impact can be both positive and negative. Its importance is often mentioned as the motivation of young athletes (Shabo, 2012). Object of the research: correlation between athletes‘ motivation for sport and a rugby coach delivered feedback. Research hypothesis: it is presumed that there is a correlation between rugby coach delivered feedback and their young athletes‘ inner motivation for sport. Purpose of the research: to investigate the correlation between rugby coach delivered feedback and young athletes‘ motivation for sport. Methodology of the research is based on an athlete and coach relationships‘ motivational model and self-determination theory. Methods of the research: in the research, the (1) theoretical (systematic analysis of scientific literature, formulation of hypotheses), (2) empirical (questionnaire), and (3) statistical (descriptive statistics, proving of the hypotheses) research methods were applied. Eighty-nine 14-19 year old young rugby athletes participated in the research. Conclusions: (1) The study found that the intrinsic motivation of the young rugby players among the different mastership is statistically significantly more significant for athletes with better mastership (p = 0.012) than for beginners. It should be noted that the external motivation and non-motivation of the young rugby players, regardless of their sport mastership, are similar. (2) Correlation analysis revealed a direct significant correlation between the applied positive feedback and the internal motivation: what the rugby coaches use positive feedback in their work (r = 0.301; p = 0.003) the stronger their young rugby inner motivation. (3) The hypothesis - presumed that there is a correlation between the positive feedback applied by the rugby coach and their young rugby players motivation for sports - was confirmed.
Dissertation Institution Šiaulių universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2019