Title Matematinių kompiuterių programų lokalizavimo ypatumai /
Translation of Title Peculiarities of localization of mathematical software into Lithuania.
Authors Dagienė, Valentina
DOI 10.15388/LMR.2008.18120
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Is Part of Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2008, t. 48-49, p. 343-347.. ISSN 0132-2818. eISSN 2335-898X
Keywords [eng] mathematics software ; localization ; mathematical notation ; teaching methodology
Abstract [eng] In the paper experience of software localization into Lithuanian is presented. Main attention is paid to the mathematical computer aids and programs. The paper covers such problems as process of translation and adoption to language and culture requirements, mathematical notation, testing, and quality assurance. Ways of problem solutions are presented and discussed. All localization cycle of mathematics computer programs including analysis of the software to be localized, and support of the localized software is presented.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2008
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