Title Vertex representations for Yangians of Kac-Moody algebras /
Authors Guay, Nicolas ; Regelskis, Vidas ; Wendlandt, Curtis
DOI 10.5802/jep.103
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Is Part of Journal de l'École polytechnique - Mathématiques.. Palaiseau : Ecole Polytechnique. 2019, vol. 6, p. 665-706.. ISSN 2429-7100. eISSN 2270-518X
Keywords [eng] Yangian ; vertex operator ; Kac-Moody algebra ; Fock space ; twisted group algebra ; central extension
Abstract [eng] Using vertex operators, we build representations of the Yangian of a simply laced Kac-Moody algebra and of its double. As a corollary, we prove the Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt property for simply laced affine Yangians.
Published Palaiseau : Ecole Polytechnique
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2019
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