Title Limit theorems for twists of L-functions of elliptic curves /
Authors Garbaliauskienė, Virginija ; Laurinčikas, Antanas
DOI 10.3846/13926292.2014.980866
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Is Part of Mathematical modelling and analysis = Matematinis modeliavimas ir analizė / Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.. Vilnius : Technika. 2014, vol. 19, no. 5, p. 696-705.. ISSN 1392-6292
Keywords [eng] Characteristic transform ; Dirichlet character ; Elliptic curve ; L-function of elliptic curve ; Probability measure ; Weak convergence
Abstract [eng] In the paper, a limit theorem for weakly convergent probability measures on the complex plane for twisted with Dirichlet character L-functions of elliptic curves with an increasing modulus of the character is proved.
Published Vilnius : Technika
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2014
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