Title Partial cut elimination for propositional discrete linear time temporal logic /
Another Title Dalinis pjūvio pašalinimas teiginių diskretinei laiko logikai.
Authors Sakalauskaitė, Jūratė
DOI 10.15388/LMR.2010.63
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Is Part of Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys. Lietuvos matematikų draugijos darbai. 2010, T. 51, p. 347-351.. ISSN 0132-2818
Keywords [eng] Calculus, sequent ; Cut rule ; Logic, temporal ; Past temporal operators ; Completeness
Abstract [eng] We consider propositional discrete linear time temporal logic with future and past operators of time. For each formula φ of this logic, we present Gentzen-type sequent calculus G_r(φ) with a restricted cut rule. We sketch a proof of the soundness and the completeness of the sequent calculi presented. The completeness is proved via construction of a canonical model.
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2010
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