Title Some estimates of the normal approximation for mixture of Poisson and gamma random variables /
Another Title Normaliosios aproksimacijos įverčiai mišriajam Puasono ir gama atsitiktiniam dydžiui.
Authors Sunklodas, Jonas Kazys
DOI 10.15388/LMR.2010.86
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Is Part of Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys. Lietuvos matematikų draugijos darbai. 2010, T. 51, p. 475-479.. ISSN 0132-2818
Keywords [eng] Approximation, normal ; Norm, L_p ; Distribution, Poisson ; Distribution, gamma ; Mixture of Poisson and gamma r.v
Abstract [eng] In the paper, we present the upper bound of L_p norms Δ_p of the order (a1+a2)/(DZ)^−1/2 for all 1≤p≤∞, of the normal approximation for a standardized random variable [...], where the random variable Z=a_1X+a_2Y, a_1+a_2=1, a_i≥0, i=1,2, the random variable X is distributed by the Poisson distribution with the parameter λ>0, and the random variable Y by the standard gamma distribution Γ(α,0,1) with the parameter α>0.
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2010
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