Title Darbo užmokesčio ir nedarbo lygio sąryšio Lietuvoje vertinimas /
Translation of Title Estimation of relationship between wages and unemployment in Lithuania.
Authors Šeputienė, Janina ; Končiūtė, Lina
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Is Part of Ekonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektyvos.. Šiauliai : Šiaulių universiteto leidykla. 2011, Nr. 1, p. 16-23.. ISSN 1648-9098
Keywords [eng] wages ; unemployment ; wage flexibility
Abstract [eng] The negative relationship between wages and unemployment is unquestionable. The bargaining model and effective wages model explain this relationship from the theoretical point of view. While analyzing the relationship between unemployment and change in wages, the authors refer to Phillips curve. Having no doubt about existence of the relationship the authors try to specify it by taking additional conditions into consideration, such as regional unemployment or qualification of employees. The problem of the research is related to the question of whether wage flexibility in public and private sectors is the same. The aim of the research is to analyze the relationship between unemployment and wages from the theoretical point of view and to estimate and compare it in private and public sectors in Lithuania. [...].
Published Šiauliai : Šiaulių universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011