Title |
Tarp viduramžių ir naujųjų laikų, arba kada "užtekės Lietuvių laimės saulutė" (Julijonas Lindė-Dobilas) / |
Translation of Title |
Between medieval and modern times, or when “the sun of happiness would rise in Lithuania”. (Julijonas Lindė-Dobilas). |
Authors |
Lazdynas, Gintaras |
Full Text |
Is Part of |
Inter-studia humanitatis. 2010, nr.10: Saulė pasaulio kultūrose, p. 76-93.. ISSN 1822-1114 |
Keywords [eng] |
Literary historians ; Discourse analysis ; Literary ; Sun |
Abstract [eng] |
By methodological attitudes Dobilas is close to German “spirit’s history” school. Dobilas created idealistic cultural conception of Lithuanian nation, the underlying idea of which declared that “not substance gives forms to the spirit, but the spirit per se creates them for itself”. It means that a modern cultural state is not only like the national spirit’s objetivisation. In order to reach the Western cultural state Lithuania has to go down only one possible road – to nurture its nation’s spirit, which so far generates only fairly primitive forms. On this road Lithuania will have to re-evaluate some values, among them the Antiquity cult or pride in its language archaism. The nation will be reb orn through the cultivation of ploughman’s (peasant’s) spirit. Such conceptually consistent approach to art and through it to nation spirit’s problems in the Lithuanian culture was not only new, but also psychologically hardly acceptable, because Dobilas did not promise quick reb irth of the nation. |
Type |
Journal article |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2010 |