Title |
Teksto apimties ir matematinių terminų vartojimo dinamika vidurinės mokyklos matematikos vadovėliuose / |
Translation of Title |
The dynamics of volume of text and mathematical terms usage in mathematics textbooks of secondary school. |
Authors |
Kaklauskienė, Danutė |
Full Text |
Is Part of |
Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai. 2009, nr.4(25), p. 150-155.. ISSN 1648-8776 |
Keywords [eng] |
Text ; Terms ; Descriptive analysis ; Mathematics textbooks |
Abstract [eng] |
The paper analyzes text volume in Lithuanian secondary school mathematics textbooks after comparing the frequency of words in texts. In texts mathematical terms were selected, frequency of their re-occurrence in textbooks of each form of secondary school was investigated. Text frequency characteristics of secondary school mathematics textbooks were evaluated. A set of words from words of each mathematics course textbook was formed. The analysis showed that as pupils move from form to form, in the mathematics lessons and during homework they read larger and larger volumes of text. For textbooks for each form it was estimated the complexity index, which showed that mathematics texts are not complicated, they do not contain too many mathematical terms and concepts. It was found that most of the terms belong to the frequency ranges from 1 to 10 times and from 11 to 20 times. |
Type |
Journal article |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2009 |