Title ES Bendrojo duomenų apsaugos reglamento taikymo dirbtiniam intelektui ypatumai /
Translation of Title Peculiarities of application of the eu general data protection regulation for artificial intelligence.
Authors Seliutaitė, Kotryna
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Pages 93
Abstract [eng] Peculiarities of Application of the EU General Data Protection Regulation for Artificial Intelligence Rapid development and widespread application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology lead to the collection and use of an infinite amount of personal data, which, without adequate safeguards and supervision, at a global level poses a challenge to individuals' rights to privacy and data protection. Given that 90% of global data have been created over the last five years, appropriate adaptation is inevitably necessary from a data protection regulatory perspective. A particular step in the area of data protection has been taken by the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Tightened data privacy rules have not only begun a new phase of data protection regulation in the EU but have also become an example and a starting point for other legislators and technology developers around the world. In the context of AI, data protection by design and by default and automated individual decision-making, including profiling, clauses are of major importance in GDPR regulation. Nevertheless, the principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization and data subjects‘ right to be forgotten and the right to data portability also have a significant impact on the AI processing of personal data. The first part of the thesis addresses the issues of definition of AI, differences in privacy and data protection concepts, reveals the need for AI regulation, assesses regulatory progress and measures in the EU, Lithuania and the US. The second part of the work focuses on GDPR as a source of AI regulation, discusses key regulatory features and preconditions for the application of regulation to AI. The third part of the thesis assesses the impact of the application of GDPR principles on AI, followed by the study of specific rights of the data subject and the obligations arising therefrom for an entity using AI. The work is limited to the analysis of the most problematic aspects of GDPR for the regulation of AI.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020