Title ES Bendrojo duomenų apsaugos reglamento teritorinis taikymas: probleminiai aspektai /
Translation of Title Territorial application of the eu general data protection regulation: problematical aspects.
Authors Novikevič, Justina
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Pages 50
Abstract [eng] The development of technologies and fast globalization process of the world determine the growing importance of data protection and personal privacy. Data protection became increasingly important topic. Large companies, organizations operating in the digital space have gained access to a particularly large amount of data, and the disposal of personal data is not only targeted, but is also known as a side effect of digital services‘ usage, which poses a particular threat to the individual's right to privacy of data. Accelerating globalization and progress of sociey necessitate the continuous improvement of existing legislation and the search for new, innovative solutions that solves potential legal gaps and issues. For this reason, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been adopted in order to reform the current data protection law. One of the major innovations of GDPR is the broad interpretation of the provisions on territorial approach. In order to fully examine this innovation in the field of data protection law in European Union, this work has been divided into several parts. The first part provides an overview of the development of data protection law, previous data protection legislation and its territorial application as well as major changes implemented by the General Data Protection Regulation. The second part reviews the problems of interpretation arising from the provisions of the Regulation which are related to territorial application and possible difficulties in the implementation of these norms. The third part reviews the issues of data protection in the context of the Internet.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020