Title ES Bendrojo duomenų apsaugos reglamento vaidmuo 4-ojoje pramonės revoliucijoje /
Translation of Title The role of the eu general data protection regulation in the 4th industrial revolution.
Authors Kabašinskaitė, Aistė
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Pages 81
Abstract [eng] With the rapid development of information technology and digital development in recent years, scientists have begun to talk about the beginning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Taking into account the dangers of new technologies to the protection of personal data, on 25th of May 2018, The General Data Protection Regulation has entered into force in the European Union. With the increasing scale of data processing, many questions arise regarding the further protection of personal data in the age of new technologies. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to examine the significance and impact of the General Data Protection Regulation on the development of new technologies and to determine its relationship with the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The analysis reveals that the General Data Protection Regulation was developed in response to the risks to personal data protection posed by the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Therefore, the application of the General Data Protection Regulation to the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution raises challenges such as: lack of control over personal data, problems with transparency, quality of data subject consent, risks of re-identification and profiling of data subject, proper realization of data subjects' rights related to automatic decision-making and etc. The interpretation and application of the General Data Protection Regulation will determine not only the protection of data subjects' rights, but also the technological progress and further development of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. For this reason, the General Data Protection Regulation will play a crucial role in shaping personal data protection law not only in the European Union but also worldwide.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020