Title Garbės ir orumo gynimas socialiniuose tinkluose /
Translation of Title Defamation in social media.
Authors Matonis, Gabrielius
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Pages 80
Abstract [eng] The master thesis reveals the analysis of defamation in social media platforms. It aims to determine what legal problems arise or might arise when protecting a harmed reputation in social media platforms. First, the concept and definition of defamation followed by the concept of social media are described. Further in the analysis, the main factors to ensure the proper balance between the freedom of expression and the persons’ right to reputation in social media are taken into consideration. Furthermore, the peculiarities of defamation in social media are reviewed. The thesis analyses aspects that are unclear and most of the time not provided in the Lithuanian legal framework, such as, the legal status of social media accounts holders, opinion and statement classification, “share” and other specific information legal evaluation (eg. “like” concept) in the light of legal doctrine, the case-law of European Court of Human Rights and courts of foreign countries. Moreover, the thesis provides complicated aspects of an individual who shall be responsible for creating defamatory content on social media with a particular focus on anonymous content and possible solutions to certain problems. In the final part of the master thesis, the remedies that shall be invoked in the event of defamation in social media are revised according to the evaluation of the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020