Title Motinystės ir tėvystės socialinės apsaugos teisinio reguliavimo ypatybės Lietuvoje ir Čekijoje /
Translation of Title Peculiarities of legal regulation of maternity and paternity social security in lithuania and czech republic.
Authors Stravinskaitė, Gabrielė
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Pages 62
Abstract [eng] Peculiarities of Legal Regulation of Maternity Social Security in Lithuania and Czech Republic Maternity is admitted as social risk and that is why needs special protection, to protect the health of pregnant women and her baby as well as to ensure lost income. No less important is also paternity institute which gives right to paternity leave and benefit. This institute distributes the burden of raising a child between women and men likewise helps to establish an early relationship between the child and the father. This master thesis analyzes maternity, paternity institutes and also parental leave and benefit. International and European Union law wide enough establish requirements and principles for members in regulation of maternity protection. Whereas, international law does not devote exceptional attention to the regulation of paternity comparing to maternity protection. A similar situation prevailed in European Union until June of 2019. At that time directive 2019/1158 on work-life balance for parents and carers was adopted which is particularly important to regulation of paternity at European Union level. In this master thesis mostly, attention is devoted for analyzing international and EU law maternity, paternity institute and parental leave and benefit. Also, in this scientific work there is analyzed Lithuanian and Czech Republic national laws which stipulate peculiarities of maternity, paternity and parental social protection. The most important elements of the master's thesis are the analysis of the legal acts of Lithuania and the Czech Republic and their compliance with international and EU legal documents, as well as the comparison and evaluation of the legal regulation of maternity and paternity protection in Lithuania and the Czech Republic.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020