Title Kolektyvinės derybos ir kolektyvinių sutarčių sudarymas kaip socialinės partnerystės forma /
Translation of Title Collective bargaining and collective contract conclusion as a form of social partnership.
Authors Sokolovaitė, Karolina
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Pages 59
Abstract [eng] Collective Bargaining and Collective Contract Conclusion as a Form of Social Partnership The first part of the master's thesis deals with the categories of social partnership. The concept of social partnership is distinguished, which is analogous to the concept of social dialogue. The development of social partnership at the international and national level is indicated. In accordance with international and national legislation and the scientific literature, the levels and forms of social partnership, their influence and significance on collective labor relations are indicated. The second part of the master's thesis deals with the institute of collective bargaining. The concept of collective bargaining is indicated, the principles of collective bargaining are analyzed. The concept of representation and the parties who have the right to bargain collectively by indicating their legal status are analyzed in more detail also collective bargaining procedures are discussed. The third part of the master's thesis deals with the institute of collective agreements. According to the legislation, scientific articles refer to the concept of collective agreements, the procedure for concluding and registering collective agreements is analyzed, indicating the most important aspects. Based on the indicated sources and case law, the validity, application and extension and termination of the collective agreement are indicated.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020