Title ES prekių ženklo teisių gynimas: jurisdikciniai aspektai /
Translation of Title Protection of the rights of the eu trademark: jurisdictional aspects.
Authors Ramonas, Laurynas
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Pages 66
Abstract [eng] The Master thesis “Protection of the Rights of the European Union Trademark: Jurisdictional Aspects” analysis jurisdiction of protection of the rights of the European Union trademark. Subject to be analysed is provided by evaluating applicable legal acts regulating jurisdictional rules and their system regarding protection of the rights of European Union trademark, identifying specific patterns, principles of operation, by examining Lithuanian and foreign legal doctrine and describing Lithuanian and foreign case law, especially case law of Court of Justice of the European Union, their provided explication, interpretation of legal norms and rules established by them, as well as evaluation of provisions of applicable legal acts. First part describes concept of trademark, establishes notion of European Union trademark and provides description of coexistence of national and the European Union trademark systems. Second part establishes essential and having the most influence legal sources determining regulation of rules of jurisdiction in respect to protection of the rights of the European Union trademark. Third part sets forth methods of protection of the rights of the European Union trademark and indicates persons eligible to use such methods applicable for the rights of the European Union trademark. Fourth part provides system of jurisdictional rules regarding protection of the rights of the European Union trademark, describes examination of application of such jurisdictional aspects under case law of member states and Court of Justice of the European Union. Identifies essential problems of application of jurisdictional rules in cases of protection of the rights of the European Union trademark and provides analysis of such problems in accordance to legal doctrine.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2019