Title Socialinių darbuotojų, dirbančių su negalią turinčiais asmenimis, bendrųjų kompetencijų tobulinimo perspektyvos /
Translation of Title Prospects for Improving the General Competencies of Social Workers Working with People with Disabilities.
Authors Šimaitytė, Sandra
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Pages 101
Keywords [eng] social work in the context of disability ; general competencies ; a model of improvement
Abstract [eng] The aim of the master's thesis was to create a model for the development of general competencies of a social worker working with persons with disabilities, based on the analysis of the prospects for the development of general competencies of this specialist. To achieve this goal, the following research tasks were formulated: a) to identify the general competencies of social workers working in Lithuania and Ukraine to be improved; b) to reveal the perspectives of improving the general competencies of Lithuanian and Ukrainian social workers. Research methods used in the work: analysis of scientific literature, written survey using open-ended questions, and qualitative content analysis. 26 social workers (13 from Lithuania and Ukraine each) participated in the written survey. The main conclusions of the research: The social workers of both countries are very relevant to the improvement of communication, management and process management, teamwork competencies. Lithuanian social workers consider learning to learn, individual work and initiative and creativity competencies, and information search and management and problem solving competencies to be improved. Ukrainian social workers see general systemic competencies to be improved as competencies in understanding and adapting to activities and tasks in a new situation and withstanding environmental pressures, and general instrumental competencies as problem-solving and information technology management competencies. Social workers working in Lithuania updated competence development events, supervisions, literature, self-knowledge methodologies and experiential training, and Ukrainian social workers updated competence development events and literature, which were perceived by the respondents as certain techniques and methods used in the process of general competence development. Regarding the development of general competencies as a process and operation, social workers working in both Lithuania and Ukraine place great emphasis on professional activities as a basis for development, sharing of experience, self-education and participation in projects, research, etc. In the context of the revealed factors promoting the development of key competencies, personal and professional aspirations dominate as an internal incentive and economic, social factors, support from management, the nature of activities and promotion as an external incentive for the development of key competencies. Based on the results of the study, a model for improving the general competencies of a social worker working with people with disabilities was developed.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021