Abstract [eng] |
In this roadmap article, we have focused on the most recent advances in terahertz (THz)imaging with particular attention paid to the optimization and miniaturization of the THz imagingsystems. Such systems entail enhanced functionality, reduced power consumption, and increasedconvenience, thus being geared toward the implementation of THz imaging systems in real opera-tional conditions. The article will touch upon the advanced solid-state-based THz imaging systems,including room temperature THz sensors and arrays, as well as their on-chip integration with diffrac-tive THz optical components. We will cover the current-state of compact room temperature THzemission sources, both optolectronic and electrically driven; particular emphasis is attributed to thebeam-forming role in THz imaging, THz holography and spatial filtering, THz nano-imaging, andcomputational imaging. A number of advanced THz techniques, such as light-field THz imaging, ho-modyne spectroscopy, and phase sensitive spectrometry, THz modulated continuous wave imaging,room temperature THz frequency combs, and passive THz imaging, as well as the use of artificialintelligence in THz data processing and optics development, will be reviewed. This roadmap presentsa structured snapshot of current advances in THz imaging as of 2021 and provides an opinion oncontemporary scientific and technological challenges in this field, as well as extrapolations of possiblefurther evolution in THz imaging. |