1. Bendruomenės žinių apie sveikatos stiprinimą analizė
  2. Lietuvos ir Airijos mokinių požiūrio į sveiką gyvenseną lyginamoji analizė
  3. Social Work Opportunities in the Process of Solving Occupational Issues of Women with Disability: the Current Situation and the Perspectives
  4. Socialinių paslaugų teikimo šeimai, auginančiai autizmo spektro sutrikimus turintį vaiką, galimybių projektavimas
  5. Socialinės pagalbos galimybės neįgaliam vaikui, augančiam socialinės rizikos šeimoje: vaiko teisių aspektas
  6. Socialinės pagalbos paslaugų organizavimo kaitos problema dirbant su psichikos negalią turinčiais senyvo amžiaus asmenimis
  7. The Adaptation Problem of Disabled Elderly and Aged People in Care Homes: the Aspect of Social Work
  8. The Empowerment of the Former Patients of Care Institutions with Mental Disabilities by the Social Services Rendered by NGO
  9. The Need for Supervision in Social Work with Children with Emotional and Behavioural Disorders
  10. The Possibilities of Social Worker’s Practice in Working with People with Mental Disabilities in the Context of the Maintenance of their Life Quality
  11. The Resocialization Process of People with Addictions in Social Work: The Experiences of NGOs
  12. The context of the professional competence of social workers dealing with people with mental disabilities
  13. The development of social skills of people with mental disabilities: the formation of the inovative model of social services provision
  14. The possibilities of social work practice in working with elderly people: the analysis of the experiences in social services centre
  15. The support for disabled elderly people at their home: the experiences in Kelme “social service centre