- Bendruomenės žinių apie sveikatos stiprinimą analizė
- Lietuvos ir Airijos mokinių požiūrio į sveiką gyvenseną lyginamoji analizė
- Social Work Opportunities in the Process of Solving Occupational Issues of Women with Disability: the Current Situation and the Perspectives
- Socialinių paslaugų teikimo šeimai, auginančiai autizmo spektro sutrikimus turintį vaiką, galimybių projektavimas
- Socialinės pagalbos galimybės neįgaliam vaikui, augančiam socialinės rizikos šeimoje: vaiko teisių aspektas
- Socialinės pagalbos paslaugų organizavimo kaitos problema dirbant su psichikos negalią turinčiais senyvo amžiaus asmenimis
- The Adaptation Problem of Disabled Elderly and Aged People in Care Homes: the Aspect of Social Work
- The Empowerment of the Former Patients of Care Institutions with Mental Disabilities by the Social Services Rendered by NGO
- The Need for Supervision in Social Work with Children with Emotional and Behavioural Disorders
- The Possibilities of Social Worker’s Practice in Working with People with Mental Disabilities in the Context of the Maintenance of their Life Quality
- The Resocialization Process of People with Addictions in Social Work: The Experiences of NGOs
- The context of the professional competence of social workers dealing with people with mental disabilities
- The development of social skills of people with mental disabilities: the formation of the inovative model of social services provision
- The possibilities of social work practice in working with elderly people: the analysis of the experiences in social services centre
- The support for disabled elderly people at their home: the experiences in Kelme “social service centre