- Effect of sintering under CO+N2/H2 and CO2+air atmospheres on the physicochemical features of a commercial nano-YSZ
- Emergence of coupled rotor dynamics in metal-organic frameworks via tuned steric interactions
- Impact of newborn screening on clinical presentation of congenital adrenal hyperplasia
- Implementing the personalised learning framework in university studies: what is it that works?
- Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy of Er II for transition probability measurements
- Neonatal screening in Europe revisited: an ISNS perspective on the current state and developments since 2010
- New associations of serum beta-carotene, lycopene, and zeaxanthin concentrations with NR1H3, APOB, RDH12, AND CYP genes
- Origin of relaxor behavior in barium-titanate-based lead-free perovskites
- Public online consultation in Lithuania: A political declaration or the real empowerment of citizens?
- State protection of cultural heritage in the Vilnius region 1922-1939
- Tarmiškumo estetinė vertė: paprastųjų kalbos bendruomenės narių vaizdiniai
- The idea of transhumanism from the perspective of historical ontology
- The relationships of habitat conditions, height level, and geographical position with fruit and seed traits in populations of invasive vine Echinocystis lobata (Cucurbitaceae) in Central and Eastern Europe
- Transhumanizmo idėja istorinės ontologijos perspektyvoje
- Ugdymas antropoceno epochoje: nuo teoretikų iki jaunų klimato kaitos aktyvistų
- Valstybinė kultūros paveldo apsauga Vilniaus krašte 1922-1939