1. Effect of sintering under CO+N2/H2 and CO2+air atmospheres on the physicochemical features of a commercial nano-YSZ
  2. Emergence of coupled rotor dynamics in metal-organic frameworks via tuned steric interactions
  3. Impact of newborn screening on clinical presentation of congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  4. Implementing the personalised learning framework in university studies: what is it that works?
  5. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy of Er II for transition probability measurements
  6. Neonatal screening in Europe revisited: an ISNS perspective on the current state and developments since 2010
  7. New associations of serum beta-carotene, lycopene, and zeaxanthin concentrations with NR1H3, APOB, RDH12, AND CYP genes
  8. Origin of relaxor behavior in barium-titanate-based lead-free perovskites
  9. Public online consultation in Lithuania: A political declaration or the real empowerment of citizens?
  10. State protection of cultural heritage in the Vilnius region 1922-1939
  11. Tarmiškumo estetinė vertė: paprastųjų kalbos bendruomenės narių vaizdiniai
  12. The idea of transhumanism from the perspective of historical ontology
  13. The relationships of habitat conditions, height level, and geographical position with fruit and seed traits in populations of invasive vine Echinocystis lobata (Cucurbitaceae) in Central and Eastern Europe
  14. Transhumanizmo idėja istorinės ontologijos perspektyvoje
  15. Ugdymas antropoceno epochoje: nuo teoretikų iki jaunų klimato kaitos aktyvistų
  16. Valstybinė kultūros paveldo apsauga Vilniaus krašte 1922-1939