- Apie Įstatymo ontologiją ir Būties užmarštį
- Assessment of sources of variation in HER2 oncogene amplification and expression
- Critical remarks on Schmitt’s political realism
- HER2 onkogeno amplifikacijos ir raiškos variacijos šaltinių nustatymas
- Religijos sugrįžimas ir radikalaus blogio problema: Rusijos karo Ukrainoje atvejo analizė
- Spirit of legality: Hegel’s critique of law and turn to ontology in the Frankfurt fragments
- The rhetorical impact of polylingualism employed by Lithuanian politicians on facebook
- The significance of TNF-α and MMP-8 concentrations in non-invasively obtained amniotic fluid predicting fetal inflammatory response syndrome
- The subversion of the meanings of food tropes in Salman Rushdie’s novel “Midnight’s children”