1. A follow-up study of the “Lighthouse” mentalization-based parenting program: Mentalization as a mediator of change
  2. A note on randomly stopped sums with zero mean increments
  3. Building bridges between cultures: accessible multimodal subtitles
  4. Enhanced surveillance of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Europe: an evaluation of the I-MOVE-COVID-19 surveillance network
  5. Enhancing public health communication regarding vaccine trials: design and development of the Pan-European VACCELERATE toolkit
  6. Erythrocyte-incorporated 6-mercaptopurine metabolite levels are not affected by recent drug administration during maintenance therapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
  7. Genotype distribution and characteristics of chronic hepatitis C infection in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukraine: the RESPOND-C study
  8. Latentinės tuberkuliozės infekcijos paplitimas, sergamumas aktyvia tuberkuliozės infekcija, rizikos veiksniai ir diagnostikos metodų vertė žmogaus imunodeficito virusu užsikrėtusių pacientų populiacijoje Lietuvoje
  9. Predicting the next pandemic: VACCELERATE ranking of the World Health Organization's Blueprint for Action to Prevent Epidemics
  10. Rendering verbal irony of “One flew over the cuckoo’s nest”: novel, cinematic adaptation and Lithuanian subtitles
  11. Structural features of Lithuanian blends