1. 1-aril-3a,8b-dihidro-1h-benzofuro[2,3-d]imidazolų susidarymo van Leuseno reakcijos metu tyrimas
  2. 5′-isoforms of miR-1246 have distinct targets and stronger functional impact compared with canonical miR-1246 in colorectal cancer cells in vitro
  3. Electrocatalytic reduction of water clusters on binary alloys of molybdenum with iron subgroup metals in an alkaline medium
  4. Lowering the cost of quantum comparator circuits
  5. Pirmojo ginekologinio vizito baimė jaunų moterų tarpe
  6. Resistance exercise effects on hippocampus subfield volumes and biomarkers of neuroplasticity and neuroinflammation in older adults with low and high risk of mild cognitive impairment: a randomized controlled trial
  7. School-university collaboration for deepening teachers’ digital competencies
  8. Synthesis of 3-(2,4-dihidroxy-5-benzyl)alkyl carboxylic acids and their derivatives
  9. The product of a quartic and a sextic number cannot be octic