- Eutanazijos baudžiamumas
- Evaluating the efficacy of intra-articular and perineural analgesia methods for the arthroscopic reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament of the knee
- Evaluation Criteria of Misleading Advertising in the European Union and Lithuania
- Evaluation of State‘s Financial Benefits from Centralization of Public Procurement (the case of Lithuania)
- Evaluation of early and late results and predetermining factors after carotid artery angioplasty and stenting
- Evaluation of femoral head blood flow and ischaemic factors after femoral neck fracture
- Evaluation of social responsibility consolidation potential in business organizations
- Evaluation of the causes, diagnostic criteria, surgical treatment and follow-up results of ovarian torsion in children
- Evaluation of the human heart conduction system visualization possibilities based on morphospectral and proteomic investigations
- Evaluation of the impact of genomic structural alterations on the phenome in patients with intellectual disability
- Evaluative features of corpus delicti
- Evoliuciniai cheminės sudėties efektai padrikųjų spiečių raudonosiose milžinėse
- Evoliuciniai cheminės sudėties pokyčiai helį centre deginančių žvaigždžių atmosferose
- Evolution of population of Lithuania‘s territory in the 1st–12th centuries AD
- Evolutionary Effects of Chemical Composition in Red Giants of Open Clusters
- Evolutionary effects in helium core burning star atmospheres
- Excited-state dynamics of PPI and PAMAM dendrimers functionalized with photochromic terminal groups
- Experience of aliveness within experience of being: interpretative phenomenological analysis
- Experimental and clinical evaluation of oxidative processes and effectiveness of herbal tinctures in the gastroduodenal mucosa
- Experimental investigation of avian malaria parasites (Plasmodium, Haemosporida): linkage of traditional and molecular data
- Exploitation of a child for the pornography: legal criminal and criminological aspects
- Expression of biomarkers, representing immunosuppressive, cytotoxic or immunomodulating properties of CD8h T lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of patients with immunogenic cancer forms
- Expression of cytokines VEGFA and IL-1a stimulated by cytotoxic treatment in vitro and in vivo
- Expression of the Objectives of Interactive Electoral Communication: The Study of 2011 Municipal Council Elections
- Extended metadata model for digital learning resources
- Ezoterika J. Ivanauskaitės romane „Placebas“
- F. Nietzsche's nihilizmo interpretacija M. Heideggerio ir K. Lowith'o filosofijoje
- Fabrication and investigation of heterostructures based on lanthanum manganites
- Fabrication of Functional 3D Micro/Nanostructures by Laser Multiphoton Polymerization Technique
- Fabrication of periodic micro-structures in polymers by interference lithography and modification of their properties by photo-grafting technique
- Factors affecting the achievements of intellectually gifted children
- Factors of life quality of elderly socially dependent people
- Factors of military teams performance efficacy
- Factors of national identity formation in CIS area: Belarus and Ukraine case study
- Factors of the new employees’ organizational socialization: the role of the mentor
- Failų tvarkymas taikant trimatį interfeisą
- Faksimilinių leidinių leidyba Lietuvoje (1990–2007)
- Faktiškumo problema žiniasklaidoje
- Farėjaus sekos
- Feature extraction via dependence structure optimization
- Features of Idiolect in E-mails
- Feldšpatų izomorfinės eilės narių nustatymas gemologiniais tyrimų metodais
- Female Identity Problem in Lithuanian Women’s Creative Writing in the Late 19th – Early 20th Century
- Female Projection in the Mythopoetics of Death as Reflected in Celtic Mythical Stories, Folktales and Late Medieval Literature
- File sharing sistemos: autorių teisių aspektai
- Filosofinio ir literatūrinio diskursų sąsajos ir sankirtos Eugenijaus Ališankos poezijoje
- Finansinio kintamumo modeliavimas
- Finansinio kintamumo modeliavimas apibendrintuoju Gegenbauer-LARCH modeliu
- Finansinio lizingo reglamentavimo aktualijos
- Finansinių priemonių portfelio valdymo ir kolektyvinio investavimo subjektų reglamentavimo problematika