1. Eutanazijos baudžiamumas
  2. Evaluating the efficacy of intra-articular and perineural analgesia methods for the arthroscopic reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament of the knee
  3. Evaluation Criteria of Misleading Advertising in the European Union and Lithuania
  4. Evaluation of State‘s Financial Benefits from Centralization of Public Procurement (the case of Lithuania)
  5. Evaluation of early and late results and predetermining factors after carotid artery angioplasty and stenting
  6. Evaluation of femoral head blood flow and ischaemic factors after femoral neck fracture
  7. Evaluation of social responsibility consolidation potential in business organizations
  8. Evaluation of the causes, diagnostic criteria, surgical treatment and follow-up results of ovarian torsion in children
  9. Evaluation of the human heart conduction system visualization possibilities based on morphospectral and proteomic investigations
  10. Evaluation of the impact of genomic structural alterations on the phenome in patients with intellectual disability
  11. Evaluative features of corpus delicti
  12. Evoliuciniai cheminės sudėties efektai padrikųjų spiečių raudonosiose milžinėse
  13. Evoliuciniai cheminės sudėties pokyčiai helį centre deginančių žvaigždžių atmosferose
  14. Evolution of population of Lithuania‘s territory in the 1st–12th centuries AD
  15. Evolutionary Effects of Chemical Composition in Red Giants of Open Clusters
  16. Evolutionary effects in helium core burning star atmospheres
  17. Excited-state dynamics of PPI and PAMAM dendrimers functionalized with photochromic terminal groups
  18. Experience of aliveness within experience of being: interpretative phenomenological analysis
  19. Experimental and clinical evaluation of oxidative processes and effectiveness of herbal tinctures in the gastroduodenal mucosa
  20. Experimental investigation of avian malaria parasites (Plasmodium, Haemosporida): linkage of traditional and molecular data
  21. Exploitation of a child for the pornography: legal criminal and criminological aspects
  22. Expression of biomarkers, representing immunosuppressive, cytotoxic or immunomodulating properties of CD8h T lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of patients with immunogenic cancer forms
  23. Expression of cytokines VEGFA and IL-1a stimulated by cytotoxic treatment in vitro and in vivo
  24. Expression of the Objectives of Interactive Electoral Communication: The Study of 2011 Municipal Council Elections
  25. Extended metadata model for digital learning resources
  26. Ezoterika J. Ivanauskaitės romane „Placebas“
  27. F. Nietzsche's nihilizmo interpretacija M. Heideggerio ir K. Lowith'o filosofijoje
  28. Fabrication and investigation of heterostructures based on lanthanum manganites
  29. Fabrication of Functional 3D Micro/Nanostructures by Laser Multiphoton Polymerization Technique
  30. Fabrication of periodic micro-structures in polymers by interference lithography and modification of their properties by photo-grafting technique
  31. Factors affecting the achievements of intellectually gifted children
  32. Factors of life quality of elderly socially dependent people
  33. Factors of military teams performance efficacy
  34. Factors of national identity formation in CIS area: Belarus and Ukraine case study
  35. Factors of the new employees’ organizational socialization: the role of the mentor
  36. Failų tvarkymas taikant trimatį interfeisą
  37. Faksimilinių leidinių leidyba Lietuvoje (1990–2007)
  38. Faktiškumo problema žiniasklaidoje
  39. Farėjaus sekos
  40. Feature extraction via dependence structure optimization
  41. Features of Idiolect in E-mails
  42. Feldšpatų izomorfinės eilės narių nustatymas gemologiniais tyrimų metodais
  43. Female Identity Problem in Lithuanian Women’s Creative Writing in the Late 19th – Early 20th Century
  44. Female Projection in the Mythopoetics of Death as Reflected in Celtic Mythical Stories, Folktales and Late Medieval Literature
  45. File sharing sistemos: autorių teisių aspektai
  46. Filosofinio ir literatūrinio diskursų sąsajos ir sankirtos Eugenijaus Ališankos poezijoje
  47. Finansinio kintamumo modeliavimas
  48. Finansinio kintamumo modeliavimas apibendrintuoju Gegenbauer-LARCH modeliu
  49. Finansinio lizingo reglamentavimo aktualijos
  50. Finansinių priemonių portfelio valdymo ir kolektyvinio investavimo subjektų reglamentavimo problematika