1. Investicijų į finansinius instrumentus pelningumo tyrimas Lietuvos rinkoje
  2. Investicinių projektų ekonominio efektyvumo analizė ir vertinimas (taikant diskontuotų pinigų srautų metodus)
  3. Investigation and Description of Ancient Pigments in Paintings and Archaeological Glass Finds
  4. Investigation and description of modern and archeological ceramics
  5. Investigation into population genetic structure of eel Anguilla anguilla (L.) and perch Perca fluviatilis L. within the context of anthropogenic activity
  6. Investigation of Aniline electrochemical polymerization on different electrodes
  7. Investigation of Arthrobacter spp. plasmids
  8. Investigation of Bone Marrow Hematopoietic Stem Cell Migration during Inflammation in BALB/c Mice
  9. Investigation of Combinations of Vector Quantization Methods with Multidimensional Scaling
  10. Investigation of DC, microwave characteristics and noise in SiGe and A3B5 heterojunction bipolar transistors
  11. Investigation of Electronic Structure, Optical and Dynamical Properties of AVBVICVII type Compounds
  12. Investigation of Historical Analogues and Sol-Gel Preparation of Novel Inorganic Cobalt-Based Pigments
  13. Investigation of Zinc Oxide Heterostructures for Optoelectronic Devices by Means of Spectroscopy Methods
  14. Investigation of amyloid fibrils forming proteins
  15. Investigation of carrier dynamics in InN, InGaN, and GaAsBi by optical pump-probe techniques
  16. Investigation of carrier dynamics in wide bandgap semiconductors by light-induced transient grating technique
  17. Investigation of carrier kinetics in semiconductors by terahertz radiation pulses
  18. Investigation of chromatographic behaviour of imidazolium ionic liquid cations by ultra performance liquid chromatography techniques
  19. Investigation of composite laser active elements with thin doped layers
  20. Investigation of differentiated muscle-derived stem cell death and survival signalling mechanisms
  21. Investigation of genome sequence and gene expression regulation in T4 related bacteriophages
  22. Investigation of heavy metal determination using electroanalytical stripping analysis
  23. Investigation of molecular markers of human prostate cancer
  24. Investigation of peculiarities of electroless copper plating systems using hydroxycarboxylic acids as Cu(II) ligands
  25. Investigation of properties of lipid liquid crystalline drug carriers and their interactions with model cell membranes
  26. Investigation of quantum dots migration in the organism using optical methods
  27. Investigation of star forming regions in Cepheus
  28. Investigation of tetramethylpyrazine degradation in Rhodococcus sp. TMP1 bacteria
  29. Investigation of the Correlation between Structure, Elemental Composition, and Charge Carriers’ Transport in Li+, Vo Solid Electrolytes
  30. Investigation of the Degradation of Carboxypyridines in Bacteria
  31. Investigation of the autocatalytic Cu(II) reduction processes in the systems with natural polyhydroxylic compounds as ligands
  32. Investigation of the chemical and electrical effects on Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cell properties
  33. Investigation of the electronic structure and XPS band form of chalcogenides crystals
  34. Investigation of the impact of endoribonucleases on bacteriophage T4 early transcripts
  35. Investigation of the terahertz pulse generation from the narrow band gap semiconductor surfaces
  36. Investigation of wide-band-gap semiconductor photoelectric properties by using optical techniques with temporal and spatial resolution
  37. Investigation on gravity sensing in garden cress seedlings
  38. Investigation, Improvement and Development of Aspect-Oriented Design Patterns
  39. Investigations of the accuracy of approximations of semigroups
  40. Irony within the scope of conceptual blending in Lithuanian and American on-line news headlines: a comparative analysis
  41. Isaiaho Berlino negatyviosios ir pozityviosios laisvės perskyra
  42. Istorinio muziejaus paradigma: Lietuvos nacionalinio muziejaus atvejis
  43. Istorinis paminklas: sampratos analizė ir aktualizavimo galimybės
  44. Istorinės analogijos užsienio politikos formavimo ir įgyvendinimo procese: Šaltojo karo istorinės analogijos atvejis
  45. Istoriografija ir visuomenė: istorika, istoriko profesijos ir istorinės kultūros aspektai Lietuvoje 1904–1940 m
  46. Istoriografija ir visuomenė: istorika, istoriko profesijos ir istorinės kultūros aspektai Lietuvoje 1904–1940 m
  47. Izraelio valstybės įsteigimas ir jos teritorinio sureguliavimo problema
  48. Išbandymas kaip tikėjimo aktas: Söreno Kierkegaardo tragizmas ir Gabrielio Marcelio viltis
  49. Išorinių veiksnių struktūrinis poveikis posovietinių režimų transformacijai: Ukrainos ir Gruzijos atvejai
  50. Išplėstas skaitmeninių mokymosi išteklių metaduomenų modelis