- Investicijų į finansinius instrumentus pelningumo tyrimas Lietuvos rinkoje
- Investicinių projektų ekonominio efektyvumo analizė ir vertinimas (taikant diskontuotų pinigų srautų metodus)
- Investigation and Description of Ancient Pigments in Paintings and Archaeological Glass Finds
- Investigation and description of modern and archeological ceramics
- Investigation into population genetic structure of eel Anguilla anguilla (L.) and perch Perca fluviatilis L. within the context of anthropogenic activity
- Investigation of Aniline electrochemical polymerization on different electrodes
- Investigation of Arthrobacter spp. plasmids
- Investigation of Bone Marrow Hematopoietic Stem Cell Migration during Inflammation in BALB/c Mice
- Investigation of Combinations of Vector Quantization Methods with Multidimensional Scaling
- Investigation of DC, microwave characteristics and noise in SiGe and A3B5 heterojunction bipolar transistors
- Investigation of Electronic Structure, Optical and Dynamical Properties of AVBVICVII type Compounds
- Investigation of Historical Analogues and Sol-Gel Preparation of Novel Inorganic Cobalt-Based Pigments
- Investigation of Zinc Oxide Heterostructures for Optoelectronic Devices by Means of Spectroscopy Methods
- Investigation of amyloid fibrils forming proteins
- Investigation of carrier dynamics in InN, InGaN, and GaAsBi by optical pump-probe techniques
- Investigation of carrier dynamics in wide bandgap semiconductors by light-induced transient grating technique
- Investigation of carrier kinetics in semiconductors by terahertz radiation pulses
- Investigation of chromatographic behaviour of imidazolium ionic liquid cations by ultra performance liquid chromatography techniques
- Investigation of composite laser active elements with thin doped layers
- Investigation of differentiated muscle-derived stem cell death and survival signalling mechanisms
- Investigation of genome sequence and gene expression regulation in T4 related bacteriophages
- Investigation of heavy metal determination using electroanalytical stripping analysis
- Investigation of molecular markers of human prostate cancer
- Investigation of peculiarities of electroless copper plating systems using hydroxycarboxylic acids as Cu(II) ligands
- Investigation of properties of lipid liquid crystalline drug carriers and their interactions with model cell membranes
- Investigation of quantum dots migration in the organism using optical methods
- Investigation of star forming regions in Cepheus
- Investigation of tetramethylpyrazine degradation in Rhodococcus sp. TMP1 bacteria
- Investigation of the Correlation between Structure, Elemental Composition, and Charge Carriers’ Transport in Li+, Vo Solid Electrolytes
- Investigation of the Degradation of Carboxypyridines in Bacteria
- Investigation of the autocatalytic Cu(II) reduction processes in the systems with natural polyhydroxylic compounds as ligands
- Investigation of the chemical and electrical effects on Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cell properties
- Investigation of the electronic structure and XPS band form of chalcogenides crystals
- Investigation of the impact of endoribonucleases on bacteriophage T4 early transcripts
- Investigation of the terahertz pulse generation from the narrow band gap semiconductor surfaces
- Investigation of wide-band-gap semiconductor photoelectric properties by using optical techniques with temporal and spatial resolution
- Investigation on gravity sensing in garden cress seedlings
- Investigation, Improvement and Development of Aspect-Oriented Design Patterns
- Investigations of the accuracy of approximations of semigroups
- Irony within the scope of conceptual blending in Lithuanian and American on-line news headlines: a comparative analysis
- Isaiaho Berlino negatyviosios ir pozityviosios laisvės perskyra
- Istorinio muziejaus paradigma: Lietuvos nacionalinio muziejaus atvejis
- Istorinis paminklas: sampratos analizė ir aktualizavimo galimybės
- Istorinės analogijos užsienio politikos formavimo ir įgyvendinimo procese: Šaltojo karo istorinės analogijos atvejis
- Istoriografija ir visuomenė: istorika, istoriko profesijos ir istorinės kultūros aspektai Lietuvoje 1904–1940 m
- Istoriografija ir visuomenė: istorika, istoriko profesijos ir istorinės kultūros aspektai Lietuvoje 1904–1940 m
- Izraelio valstybės įsteigimas ir jos teritorinio sureguliavimo problema
- Išbandymas kaip tikėjimo aktas: Söreno Kierkegaardo tragizmas ir Gabrielio Marcelio viltis
- Išorinių veiksnių struktūrinis poveikis posovietinių režimų transformacijai: Ukrainos ir Gruzijos atvejai
- Išplėstas skaitmeninių mokymosi išteklių metaduomenų modelis