1. The mechanisms of lines fragments orientation and location in the depth perception
  2. The organisation principles of spinal neural network: temporal integration of somatosensory input and distribution of network activity
  3. The performance of antifibrotic agents in preclinical models of systemic sclerosis
  4. The phonological system of the eastern Kaunas Prienai subdialect
  5. The political economy of skills formation: explaining differences in Central and Eastern Europe
  6. The possibilities of intervention of mother-infant attachment relationship
  7. The pragmatic linguistic analysis of the communicates of TV commercials
  8. The prevalence and risk factors of Staphylococcus aureus carriage, analysis of antibiotic resistance and virulence factors
  9. The prevalence of adverse reactions to food and food allergy among Vilnius city (Lithuania) inhabitants
  10. The prevalence of inflammatory rheumatic diseases in Vilnius, Lithuania
  11. The principle of duty to co-operate, the implementation and significance of this principle in legal contractual construction relations
  12. The principle of proportionality in administrative law
  13. The problem of relation between perception and imagination in Husserl’s philosophy
  14. The regulatory contracts in public law
  15. The relation between elevated blood pressure in young men and critical growth periods
  16. The relation between the ownership structure of the media organization and the expression of media partiality (research of Lithuanian national dailies throughout the 2004 Lithuanian presidential election campaign)
  17. The relationship of body image attitudes to personality traits and subjective quality of life
  18. The research of risk factors for local progression of malignant hepatic tumours treated with radiofrequency ablation
  19. The results of surgical treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm: influence and evaluation of comorbidities, demographic and surgical risk factors
  20. The role of historical analogies in foreign policy formulation and implementation: the case of cold war historical analogy
  21. The role of standardization in the integration process of memory institutions
  22. The significance of aberrant phenotypes and multidrug resistance for evaluation of the dynamics of minimal residual disease in acute leukemia patients
  23. The significance of different biomarkers in the prediction of the development of atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery
  24. The study of biological diversity of ductal breast carcinoma by molecular and digital pathology methods
  25. The study of genetic diversity of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.)in Lithuania
  26. The study of the electrodeposition of Ni, Co and their alloys with tungsten and molybdenum
  27. The territorial differences of the living standards in Lithuania according to social economical factors
  28. The theory of young adults’ experience of the finality of life: striving to live more valuably
  29. The transformation of the concept of aesthetics: B. Croce and H. G. Gadamer
  30. The use of angular dispersion for formation of high peak power and ultrashort pulsed light beams in nonlinear interactions
  31. The value of cardiovascular magnetic resonance for the prediction of left ventricular functional recovery after revascularisation
  32. The value of plasma cell immunophenotypic analysis estimating response to treatment and risk of multiple myeloma
  33. The young catholic movement genesis, ideological principles and putting them into practice (1919 - 1940)
  34. Thermal effects in high-power light-emitting diodes
  35. Thermal lens diagnostics and mitigation in diode end pumped lasers
  36. Thinking of Difference in M. Heidegger and E. Levinas
  37. Three and four wave parametric interactions for ultrashort pulse generation in the ultraviolet, near and mid-infrared spectral range
  38. Tiesa kaip įrodinėjimo tikslas baudžiamajame procese
  39. Tiesinės rekurenčiosios sekos sudarytos iš sudėtinių skaičių
  40. Tiesioginiai mokesčiai Europos Bendrijoje: naujausios integracijos tendencijos
  41. Tiesioginiai mokesčiai Europos Sąjungoje
  42. Tiesioginių mokesčių teisinis reguliavimas Europos Sąjungoje
  43. Tiesioginių užsienio investicijų perspektyvos Lietuvoje, įstojus į Europos Sąjungą
  44. Tight Bernoulli tail probability bounds
  45. Tikimybinių metodų taikymas apšvitos jonizuojančiąja spinduliuote dozių vertinimui
  46. Tikslais grindžiamas sumanios sistemos kūrimo modelis
  47. Tikslinės atostogos, jų rūšys, prigimtis, apmokėjimo tvarka
  48. Tikslinės atostogos, jų rūšys, prigimtis, apmokėjimo tvarka
  49. Tiksliosios Bernulio tikimybių nelygybės
  50. Time perspective: its link to personality traits, age, and gender