1. The Personal Data Protection Principles
  2. The Political Economy of Internal Adjustment in the Baltic States: Explaining Responses to the Crisis
  3. The Principle of Proportionality in Administrative Law
  4. The Problem of Normativity in Ethics of Care
  5. The Quality Formation Model of Business Process Management
  6. The Role of the Judge in Interpreting Law
  7. The Social Organisation in East Lithuania in the 3rd–12th Centuries (on the Basis of the Mortuary Record)
  8. The Sovietization of Expression and Dissemination of Lithuanian Photography. Summary of Doctoral Dissertation
  9. The Telšiai and Drūkšiai-Polotsk Deformation Zones: petrography and U/Pb geochronology
  10. The Topic of Advertising: Tools of Persuasion
  11. The Valakas land reform heritage: research and protection problems
  12. The analysis and evaluation of cartographical images of educational digital and paper maps (On the basis of graphic information load)
  13. The analysis of financial sustainability of old-age pensions and sickness benefits
  14. The analysis of the Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function
  15. The application of datamining methods to personalised learning environments
  16. The assessment of gender participation in the labour market
  17. The concept of humanitarian intervention in the context of contemporary international law
  18. The construction of crime knowledge in public discourse
  19. The correlation between morphological and functional laryngeal changes and the parameters of short−term endotracheal intubation
  20. The culture of the manuscript book in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (until the second half of the 16th century)
  21. The determination of the central corneal thickness of the Lithuanian population and its dependence on age, gender and body constitution
  22. The development of maxilla in children with congenital unilateral complete cleft lip, alveolus and palate ( from birth till 5 years of age)
  23. The development of personal social services in post-communist Lithuania
  24. The dimensions of social capital in the management of social sustainability
  25. The distribution of unbalanced chromosomal rearrangements in the human genome and its role in the aetiopathogenesis of intellectual disability
  26. The dramaturgical model of social interaction: the case of former users of psychoactive substances
  27. The dynamics and optimization of the radiation of a femtosecond diode pumped Yb:KGW laser
  28. The economy structural changes analysis and evaluation in Baltic states
  29. The effectiveness of biofeedback in balance training for patients after stroke
  30. The effects of bronchial inflammation on lung function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  31. The expression of Saccharomyces cerevisiae K2 preprotoxin gene in plant Nicotiana tabacum L. and the search of toxins producing microorganisms and analysis of their use
  32. The fight against terrorism in the context of international humanitarian law
  33. The gain of spinal cord motoneurons and its modification
  34. The identification and molecular characterization of sugar beet rhizomania causing virus
  35. The ideological and political aspects of the Lithuanian SSR KGB activities in 1954–1990
  36. The impact of emergency care on severe pediatric trauma outcomes
  37. The impact of lifestyle on leisure media use of the audience
  38. The impact of managerial profiles on top management team potency
  39. The implementation model of the Asset-based policy in Lithuania
  40. The influence of agri-environmental measures based grassland management on grassland plant communities
  41. The investigation of kairomones and photosensitizers affecting Liriomyza bryoniae (Diptera, Agromyzidae)
  42. The kinetics of silver electrodeposition from sulfite solutions
  43. The mechanism and the role of adaptor protein Nck interaction with p120 Ras GTPase-activating protein in Ras regulation
  44. The mechanisms of lines fragments orientation and location in the depth perception
  45. The organisation principles of spinal neural network: temporal integration of somatosensory input and distribution of network activity
  46. The performance of antifibrotic agents in preclinical models of systemic sclerosis
  47. The phonological system of the eastern Kaunas Prienai subdialect
  48. The political economy of skills formation: explaining differences in Central and Eastern Europe
  49. The possibilities of intervention of mother-infant attachment relationship
  50. The pragmatic linguistic analysis of the communicates of TV commercials