- The Internal and External Factors of Vocational Path Choice
- The Language of Natural Sciences: The Contrastive Research on the Lexical-Semantic Aspects in German and Lithuanian
- The Light Scattering in Optical Coatings and Laser Components in a Wide Spectral Range
- The Logistic Analysis of Unsustainable Economic Situations
- The Marking of Definiteness in Lithuanian. Against the Background of Danish and other Article Languages
- The Meaning of Lithuanian Past Tenses and their Equivalents in English
- The Meaning of the Philosophy of Aristotle in the Thinking of Heidegger
- The Model of Intellectual Capital Evaluation and Presentation in Financial Statements
- The Personal Data Protection Principles
- The Political Economy of Internal Adjustment in the Baltic States: Explaining Responses to the Crisis
- The Problem of Normativity in Ethics of Care
- The Quality Formation Model of Business Process Management
- The Role of the Judge in Interpreting Law
- The Social Organisation in East Lithuania in the 3rd–12th Centuries (on the Basis of the Mortuary Record)
- The Sovietization of Expression and Dissemination of Lithuanian Photography. Summary of Doctoral Dissertation
- The Telšiai and Drūkšiai-Polotsk Deformation Zones: petrography and U/Pb geochronology
- The Topic of Advertising: Tools of Persuasion
- The Valakas land reform heritage: research and protection problems
- The analysis and evaluation of cartographical images of educational digital and paper maps (On the basis of graphic information load)
- The analysis of financial sustainability of old-age pensions and sickness benefits
- The analysis of the Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function
- The application of datamining methods to personalised learning environments
- The assessment of gender participation in the labour market
- The concept of humanitarian intervention in the context of contemporary international law
- The construction of crime knowledge in public discourse
- The correlation between morphological and functional laryngeal changes and the parameters of short−term endotracheal intubation
- The culture of the manuscript book in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (until the second half of the 16th century)
- The determination of the central corneal thickness of the Lithuanian population and its dependence on age, gender and body constitution
- The development of maxilla in children with congenital unilateral complete cleft lip, alveolus and palate ( from birth till 5 years of age)
- The development of personal social services in post-communist Lithuania
- The dimensions of social capital in the management of social sustainability
- The distribution of unbalanced chromosomal rearrangements in the human genome and its role in the aetiopathogenesis of intellectual disability
- The dramaturgical model of social interaction: the case of former users of psychoactive substances
- The dynamics and optimization of the radiation of a femtosecond diode pumped Yb:KGW laser
- The economy structural changes analysis and evaluation in Baltic states
- The effectiveness of biofeedback in balance training for patients after stroke
- The effects of bronchial inflammation on lung function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- The expression of Saccharomyces cerevisiae K2 preprotoxin gene in plant Nicotiana tabacum L. and the search of toxins producing microorganisms and analysis of their use
- The fight against terrorism in the context of international humanitarian law
- The gain of spinal cord motoneurons and its modification
- The identification and molecular characterization of sugar beet rhizomania causing virus
- The ideological and political aspects of the Lithuanian SSR KGB activities in 1954–1990
- The impact of emergency care on severe pediatric trauma outcomes
- The impact of lifestyle on leisure media use of the audience
- The impact of managerial profiles on top management team potency
- The implementation model of the Asset-based policy in Lithuania
- The influence of agri-environmental measures based grassland management on grassland plant communities
- The investigation of kairomones and photosensitizers affecting Liriomyza bryoniae (Diptera, Agromyzidae)
- The kinetics of silver electrodeposition from sulfite solutions
- The mechanism and the role of adaptor protein Nck interaction with p120 Ras GTPase-activating protein in Ras regulation