- Odd logarithmic moments of the Riemann zeta-function
- Odontologijos verslo paslaugų rinka ir plėtra
- Odontologinės ir kraniologinės medžiagos iš Gintarų kapinyno tyrimo duomenys
- Oficialios ir socialios hierarchijos ryšys organizacijoje
- Ofšorinių centrų įtaka Lietuvos ekonomikai: tarptautinės prekybos ir mokesčių aspektas
- Oilerio sandaugų analizinio pratęsimo klausimu
- Old Lithuanian pame(d)mi 'imitate'
- Olimpiadinių algoritmavimo uždavinių analizė moksleivių ir ekspertų požiūriu
- On Duffing equation with random perturbations
- On H(D)-valued random elements
- On Sprindjuk's works in "Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys"
- On Waring's problem for a prime modulus
- On analytic problems of combinatorial structures
- On approximation by the Poisson law
- On decidability of a fragment of intuitionistic predicate logic
- On degenerated cyclic codes
- On estimation of the number of zeros of linear combinations of certain zeta-functions
- On extension of Donsker-Prokhorov invariance principle
- On hamiltonicity of uniform random intersection graphs
- On heights of polynomials with real roots
- On integer and fractional parts of some sequences
- On integer parts of some sequences
- On joint distribution of general Dirichlet series
- On limit theorems of Fortet-Kac type
- On permutations missing short cycles
- On positive approximations of positive diffusions
- On quasi-cyclic codes and traces of codes
- On recursive stopping of decimation of discrete-time bandlimited signals
- On selecting the better of two binomial populations
- On statistical experiments observing H-diffusions
- On the Chinese concept of “wild words and fancy language” and its interpretation in Japan
- On the Mellin transforms of the fourth power of the Riemann zeta-function
- On the argument of zeta-functions of certain cusp forms
- On the blood glucose dynamics modelling
- On the closeness of lattice distributions
- On the concatenated structure of quasi-cyclic codes
- On the denseness in the space of analytic functions
- On the denseness of one set of series
- On the discounted penalty function for claims having mixed exponential distribution
- On the distributions of additive functions
- On the divisor sums in arithmetical progressions
- On the effects of inter-sector productivity growth differences on sectorial inflation in the Baltic States relative to the euro area
- On the fourth moment of the periodic zeta-function
- On the frequency of multisets without some components
- On the generation and origin of 1/f noise
- On the influence of the arithmetical character of the parameters for the Lerch zeta-function
- On the limits for distributions of additive functions
- On the logarithmic frequence of the values of additive functions
- On the mean square for the periodic zeta-function on the critical line
- On the mean square of the Lerch zeta-function