1. Textes de communication
  2. The Boolean zeta function
  3. The Euro area enlargement: the target date problem
  4. The Impact of the Principles of International Environmental Law on Nuclear Law
  5. The Late Neolithic grave at Gyvakarai in Lithuania in the context of current archaeological and anthropological knowledge
  6. The Lithuanian version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI)
  7. The analytical approach to the competitive strategy and the process of its formation
  8. The basic for trade according to international trade theories and their relation with trade policies
  9. The biological and psychosocial factors of early self-regulation
  10. The concept of sustainable economic development and indicators assessment
  11. The contrastive analysis of the translation of English film titles into Lithuanian and Russian
  12. The contribution of local residents to the development of archaeological investigations in the Memeland before World war II
  13. The definition of one complex-valued random variable
  14. The distributions of additive functions with finite supports
  15. The distributions of sums of the prime indicators with respect to distinct frequencies
  16. The effect of melatonin on the antibody production and leukocyte migration in BALB/c line mouse
  17. The effect of nanocomposites on cancer stem cells
  18. The effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation on brain bioelectrical activity
  19. The effects of active labour market programmes on unemployment duration
  20. The estimate of fractional moments for Dirichlet L-functions
  21. The experimental study on development of avian malaria parasites (Plasmodium) and haemoproteids (Haemoproteus) in vectors
  22. The finite difference scheme for mathematical modeling of wood drying process
  23. The followers of the stars: on the early sources and historical development of Indian astrology
  24. The geometry of numbers in Lithuanian school of the number theory
  25. The image of a higher education institution, its structure and hierarchical level: the case of the Vilnius University Faculty of Economics
  26. The impact of Lisbon criteria on business development in Lithuania
  27. The impact of alternative investment funds on the economy of Lithuania
  28. The impact of embeddedness on the economic performance of firms
  29. The implementation of regional policy in Lithuania
  30. The influence of bounding surface on the precision of the Cauchy-Crofton method
  31. The influence of product quality comparative testing results on the market
  32. The integration of return migrants in their home country’s labour market: evidence from Lithuania
  33. The investigations of zeta-functions in Lithuania
  34. The joint universality for L-functions of elliptic curves
  35. The language of linguistic research: is there room for meaning extension?
  36. The law of iterated logarithm for combinatorial multisets
  37. The law of iterated logarithm for the Ewens sampling formula
  38. The levels of marketing ethics
  39. The local behaviour of some additive functions
  40. The macroeconomic policy trap: Lithuanian case
  41. The main principles of knowledge-based information systems engineering
  42. The mind-body problem and libertarian freedom of the will
  43. The model of tax evasion, its coherence to the practical tax administration
  44. The national cultural dimensions of Lithuania
  45. The negative externalities of the electricity industry and the sustainability
  46. The new series of the Vilnius design classical WET photometer
  47. The optimization of temperature regime in diode-pumped solid-state laser when applying cooling by water
  48. The overcoming oneself (ke ji) in the analects of Confucius: the end of personality or its foundation?
  49. The political antieconomy of transformations in CEE countries
  50. The political economy of Lithuania's public finance