- Terje Mathiassen
- Terminai kepenų anatomijai ir rezekcijoms apibūdinti: Brisbane 2000 metų sistema būtina naudotis ir Lietuvoje
- Terminuota darbo sutartis
- Terminuota darbo sutartis
- Terminuotos darbo sutarties sudarymas, kai darbuotojas priimamas į naujai steigiamą darbo vietą
- Termopresų įtaka šungito savybėms
- Termostabilūs pektiną degraduojantys fermentai: Geobacillus genties bakterijų pektinolizinio aktyvumo tyrimai
- Terms of intentionality in early Prajnaparamita texts ("Phenomenal reality" (dmigs pa), "Abiding" (gnas pa) and "Practice" (spyod))
- Teroristų veiksmai kaip ginkluotas užpuolimas
- Terorizmas ir partizaninis karas – dvi sukilimo formos
- Testamento galiojimo sąlygos
- Testing AR(1) model
- Testing for a changed segment in variance with application
- Textes de communication
- The Boolean zeta function
- The Euro area enlargement: the target date problem
- The Impact of the Principles of International Environmental Law on Nuclear Law
- The Late Neolithic grave at Gyvakarai in Lithuania in the context of current archaeological and anthropological knowledge
- The Lithuanian version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI)
- The Selberg sieve method in the polynomial set
- The analytical approach to the competitive strategy and the process of its formation
- The basic for trade according to international trade theories and their relation with trade policies
- The biological and psychosocial factors of early self-regulation
- The concept of sustainable economic development and indicators assessment
- The contrastive analysis of the translation of English film titles into Lithuanian and Russian
- The contribution of local residents to the development of archaeological investigations in the Memeland before World war II
- The definition of one complex-valued random variable
- The distributions of additive functions with finite supports
- The distributions of sums of the prime indicators with respect to distinct frequencies
- The effect of melatonin on the antibody production and leukocyte migration in BALB/c line mouse
- The effect of nanocomposites on cancer stem cells
- The effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation on brain bioelectrical activity
- The effects of active labour market programmes on unemployment duration
- The experimental study on development of avian malaria parasites (Plasmodium) and haemoproteids (Haemoproteus) in vectors
- The finite difference scheme for mathematical modeling of wood drying process
- The followers of the stars: on the early sources and historical development of Indian astrology
- The geometry of numbers in Lithuanian school of the number theory
- The image of a higher education institution, its structure and hierarchical level: the case of the Vilnius University Faculty of Economics
- The impact of Lisbon criteria on business development in Lithuania
- The impact of alternative investment funds on the economy of Lithuania
- The impact of embeddedness on the economic performance of firms
- The implementation of regional policy in Lithuania
- The influence of bounding surface on the precision of the Cauchy-Crofton method
- The influence of product quality comparative testing results on the market
- The integration of return migrants in their home country’s labour market: evidence from Lithuania
- The investigations of zeta-functions in Lithuania
- The joint universality for L-functions of elliptic curves
- The language of linguistic research: is there room for meaning extension?
- The law of iterated logarithm for combinatorial multisets
- The law of iterated logarithm for the Ewens sampling formula